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Apache Strike Game Manual

Apache Strike

MS-DOS® and Commodore 64 Conversions programmed by FACS.
Produced by Kelly Zmak.
Programmed by James W. Long and Tom Zerucha.
Sounds and music by Chris Teslak.
Graphics by Michael L. Snyder.
Product Manager: Kelly Flock
Special thanks to Stew Perkins and Tom Bellamy.
Player's Guide by Hunter Cone.

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This software product is copyrighted and all rights are reserved by the copyright holder. The distribution and sale of this product are intended for the use of the original purchaser only and for use only on the computer system specified. Copying, duplicating, selling, or otherwise distributing this product without the express written permission of the copyright holder are violations of u.S. Copyright Law and are hereby expressly forbidden.

© 1989 Activision. All rights reserved.

Apache Strike is a trademark of William C. Appleton. MS-DOS and Commodore are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp. and Commodore Electronics Ltd., respectively.

The Last Hope

It's the year 1997. You're piloting an AH-64 Apache helicopter through enemy city streets on a search and destroy mission. Your target: the Strategic Defense Computer (SDC). You must weave your way in and out of skyscraper corridors. That's the easy part. Enemy helicopters and tanks dog your path- you must destroy or be destroyed. If you root out the SDC in all three cities, you can save the world from complete nuclear destruction. If you fail. ..

Getting Started

If you're playing with a MS DOS system

  1. Turn on your computer with DOS 2.1 or higher.
  2. Insert the Apache Strike 5 1/4“ Disk 1 in Drive A.
  3. Type Install.

You'll be given three options:

Select 1 if you're using a single disk floppy system.
Select 2 if you're using a two drive system.
Select 3 if you want to install Apache Strike on a hard drive.

If you select options 1 or 2, you'll be returned to the A: prompt.

Type Apache and press Enter.

In a few seconds, the Apache Strike title screen appears, and you're ready to play.

If you select option 3, you transfer all the files from Disk 1 and 2 to your hard drive. Enter the location of your hard drive (e.g., C, D, etc.).

Press Enter to Continue and create the Apache directory, or press Escape to Quit.

At the prompt, insert Disk 2 into Drive A and press any key.

When installation is complete, type C: (or the letter of your hard drive) and press Enter.

Type Apache and press Enter.

In a few seconds, the Apache Strike title screen appears, and you're ready to play.

If you're playing with a Commodore 64/128 system

  1. Type Load “*”, 8,1

In a few seconds, the Apache Strike title screen appears, and you're ready to play.

Controlling the Apache with the MS-DOS System

You can control the Apache with any of three methods: joystick, mouse, or keyboard.

The following key functions apply to all three methods:

To make the Apache faster, press F.
To make the Apache slower, press S .
To return to the main menu, press Q.
To return to DOS, press Q again.
To toggle on/off the sound/music, press Control and S.
To pause gameplay, press P.


To ascend, pull the joystick/mouse toward you.
To descend, push the joystick/mouse away from you.
To move to the left or right, move the joystick/mouse in the direction you want to go.
To go straight, leave the joystick/mouse in the center position.
To fire bullets, press Button #1 on the joystick/mouse.
To fire missiles, press Button #2 on the joystick/mouse.


Use the number pad directional keys to maneuver the Apache.

To ascend, press 2.
To descend, press 8.
To move to the left, press 4.
To move to the right, press 6.
To fire bullets, press the spacebar.
To fire missiles, press M.

Controlling the Apache on the Commodore 64/128 System

Plug the joystick into Port 2.


To ascend, pull the joystick toward you.
To descend, push the joystick away from you.
To move to the left or right, move the joystick in the direction you want to go.
To go straight, leave the joystick in the center position.
To fire bullets, press Button #1 on the joystick.
To fire missiles, press :space:.

Control keys

To hover, press :f1: .
To run the Apache at slow speed, press :f3: (this is a correction to the manual, which stated F2).
To run the Apache at fast speed, press :f7:. Note: at the fastest speed, the Apache can't go around corners.
To pause the Apache, press P.
To utilize the Help screen, press :inst: Key.

To the Streets

Once you've loaded the game, you see the title/selection screen.

To choose an option, move the arrow on the screen up or down and press the button on the joystick/mouse. If you're using the keyboard, use the directional keys 8 or 2 and press the spacebar.

Play: Choose this option if you want to play at the level selected.

Level: There are different levels of progressive difficulty. Press the button on the joystick/mouse, or the spacebar if you're using the keyboard, to change the level.

Credits, High Score, Calibrate', and Change Mode': Choose these options to see who created the game, check out the game's high scores, select which method you want to use to control the game, and decide which graphic modes you want to play in. *Not available on Commodore version.

In the Cockpit

As Apache captain, you're inside the helicopter's cockpit, looking straight out at the action. Your instrument panel has nine indicators, feeding you information at all times.

Radar: The grid layout of the Radar screen represents the city's blocks, and you can see where you are in relation to the enemy. You are the unblinking dot. Enemy attackers are blinking dots. The SOC is a larger blinking dot.

Distance and Bearing Indicator: The numbers on the Distance Indicator change, according to how close you are to the SOC. When the numbers are high, you're traveling away from it. When the numbers count down lower, you're getting closer and closer.

The Bearing Indicator resembles a clock face. When the line is straight up at 12:00, you're heading directly towards the SOC. When it's straight down at 6:00, you're heading in the opposite direction.

Message Center: Throughout your mission, the Message Center keeps you apprised of what's happening within and without your chopper. If, for example, any part of your equipment is damaged, or the enemy is sneaking up on your rear, the Message Center prints out the information .

Helicopters Remaining: You start off each level with a total of three helicopters. If you've suffered too many crippling hits, or crash, you lose a helicopter. After all three are destroyed, the game is over.

Enemies Remaining: Each level, depending on its difficulty, has a certain number of enemies. As you destroy them, the Message Center shows the number of enemies you have remaining. If you destroy them all, you earn a Bonus.

Fuel Gauge: At the start of each level, your fuel tank is full. As you fly, your fuel supply goes down. You can replenish it by destroying enemies. If you run out, you crash.

Score Display: You see a running tally of the points you earn from destroying enemies on the Score display.

Speedometer: You can go faster by pressing F on the MS-DOS or the Function keys on Commodore (see “Controlling the Apache with the Commodore System” earlier in this guide). The bar on the Speedometer shrinks or grows to reflect how fast you're going.

Altitude Display: The bar on the Altitude Display rises or falls to reflect how high or low you're flying.


You score points three ways: by destroying enemies, by destroying all enemies on a certain level, and by destroying the SDC. If you begin playing on Level 20 or higher, by-stepping Level 1, you earn a special Level bonus.

You have to use bullet and missile combinations to destroy enemies. Check the charts below for point values, firepower combinations, and bonus scoring.

Enemies How to Destroy Score
Helicopter 2 bullets or 1 missile 100 points + extra fuel
Tank 3 bullets or 1 missile 150 points + extra fuel
SDC 3 missiles 2500 points

Note: Five points are subtracted from your score every time you fire a missile.

Bonuses Points
Destroying all enemies on Level 1 2,500
Destroying all enemies on Level 20 12,000
Destroying all enemies on Level 40 22,000
Destroying all enemies and the SOC on Level 20 100,000
Destroying all enemies and the SOC on Level 40 200,000

High Scores

If you score high enough, you see the High Score screen and you're invited to add your “name” to the list of high scorers. Type your “name” and hit the joystick! mouse button or spacebar to enter it.


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This warranty is limited to the recording medium containing the software program originally provided by Activision and is not applicable to normal wear and tear. This warranty shall not be applicable and shall be void if the defect has arisen through abuse, mistreatment, or neglect. Any implied warranties applicable to this product are limited to the 90-day period described above. If the recording medium should fail after the original 90-day warranty period has expired, you may return the software program to Activision at the address noted below with a check or money order for $7.50 (U.S. currency), which includes postage and handling, and Activision will mail a replacement to you. To receive a replacement, you should enclose the defective medium (including the original product label) in protective packaging accompanied by: (1) a $7.50 check or money order, (2) a brief statement describing the defect, and (3) your return address. EXCEPT AS SET FORTH ABOVE, THIS WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, WHETHER ORAL OR WRITTEN, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NO OTHER REPRESENTATION OR CLAIMS OF ANY NATURE SHALL BE BINDING ON OR OBLIGATE ACTIVISION . IN NO EVENT WILL ACTIVISION BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUEN- TIAL DAMAGE RESULTING FROM POSSESSION, USE, OR MALFUNCTION OF THIS PRODUCT, INCLUDING DAMAGE TO PROPERTY AND, TO THE EX- TENT PERMITTED BY LAW, DAMAGES FOR PERSONAL INJURY, EVEN IF ACTIVISION HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.



Registered mail is recommended for returns. For the best service, please be sure to:

  1. Send the diskettes and sales receipt.
  2. Write the name of the product and the type of computer system you have on the front of the package.
  3. Enclose your return address, typed or printed clearly, inside the package. Send to:

P.O. Box 3047
Menlo Park, CA 94025-3047

Manual transcribed by

game_instructions/apachestrike.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/11 23:22 by David