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June 2nd, 2022

Can you believe it? It's June already! We've been able to survive the first half of 2022. It will be interesting (to say the least) to see what happens in this world during the second half. I hope everyone reading this is healthy and safe.

TheC64 and C64Mini pages seemed to have drawn the most attention this month. The Bouncing Kamungas has held it's spot as the most popular game review, which is pretty good for such an obscure game. Robot Jet Action maintains it's spot for most watched game play video; Last month, it was tied for first with Cross Hoard. EverythingC64 forum still brings in the most visitors, via referring link. And lastly, the newly registered domain has been used by visitors 27 times since activation, a couple weeks ago.

thec64 38
contact 27
media 27
links 26
blog 24
The Bouncing Kamungas 17
Knight's Quest 15
Outrage 11
Glory Quest 7
Steel Ranger 7
Robot Jet Action 5
Project Firestart 4
Wavy Navy 4
Aliens The Movie 3
Night Knight 3

This is a top three list of web sites where people have visited from, apart from those people contacting the URL directly. Big thanks, once again, to the gang at That's two months in a row!

EverythingC64 43%
Reddit 7%
Commodore.Software 4%
Other 46%

May 2022 Site Visits

Also, the number of people using the new domain name last month numbered 27. So, it's nice to see the new URL getting some use.

Link to stats for April 2022.

209 visitors

blog/2022-06-02.txt · Last modified: 2022/06/02 22:49 by David