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A.C.E. Game Controls

Keys Use Joystick Port 2
:f1: Weapon selector
:cbmkey: Throttle down
:space: Throttle up
U Landing gear up/down
M Toggle map
E Ejection seat
Q Abort
:stop: Pause/Continue
:f3: Fire weapons (2-Player)
:f5: / :f7: HUD targeting up / down (2-Player)
:leftright: / :updown: HUD targeting left / right (2-Player)

Game Manual

The AIR COMBAT EMULATOR, packed with exciting features, is by far the fastest, most realistic flight simulator available. For the first time on a home computer, feel what it is really like to fly a high performance military jet and engage tanks, missiles, ships, helicopter gun-ships and two types of cunning intelligent enemy aircraft.

Featuring over 300 sprite images, ACE has the smoothest most detailed cockpit view of hills, trees and other ground objects ever achieved thanks to specially developed Dynamic Graphics Technique (D.G.T.™) allowing sensational high speed solid 3D graphics.

In combat, your head will spin as you struggle with the help of advanced avionics including rear-view camera and radar, to stay alive long enough to do some damage to the enemy.

The unique two seat flying option(pilot, navigator/weapons man) and Synchro Speech™ which passes vital aircraft condition information to the flight crew without freezing the action combined with dynamic tactical map, take offs and landings, summer, winter and night-time flying and a remarkably realistic in-flight refueling option makes ACE the ultimate AERIAL COMBAT EMULATOR.

This is what TV personality and World War II fighter pilot, Raymond Baxter had to say about ACE…

“I've flown Harriers, Tornadoes, Spitfires and I can assure you that the way ACE responds to the controls and places you in combat situations is very realistic. In fact, after flying ACE for a short time, you feel the adrenaline rush one normally associates with actual aerial combat.”


A vast invasion fleet has landed on your southern shores and discharged scores of tanks supported by helicopter gun-ships and protected by mobile surface to air missiles. Squadrons of enemy fighters give the enemy forces air cover. Advancing ruthlessly they are conquering your homeland, facing no opposition.

You are the last fighter pilot with only three A.C.E. Mark 2.1 multi role All Weather All Terrain (AWAT™) combat aircraft. Based at an allied airbase, your task is to attack and destroy the numerically superior land and air forces and drive them from your shores. The final stage of the conflict, having already destroyed the enemy land forces and shot down their air force, is to sink the enemy fleet as it evacuates its defeated army.


Select SUMMER, WINTER or NIGHT TIME, select single or dual role and set skill level (Level One - training mode).


Before each sortie, select the weapons load appropriate to your next mission (eg: ground attack, naval attack, default is multi-role capacity).


Accelerate to at least 150 knots, gently pull back on the joystick and you will take off. Raise the undercarriage.


The Satellite Intelligence Map is used to locate the enemy forces, your airbases and refueling tankers. The SIM shows units or groups of enemy forces, NOT individual tanks and planes etc. Your aircraft is the white flashing one, and allied territory is green, enemy held territory is red.


Dive to below 3,000 feet and slow to about 500 knots or less. At lower speeds you are more vulnerable to attack from the enemy missiles and ground fire but it is easier to take out your target. Engage the enemy. If locked onto and chased by an enemy missile out-maneuver and dodge the missile or launch a decoy flare to throw the missile off course.


Try to gain height and get behind the enemy fighters before attacking with cannon or air to air missiles. Use your radar and rear view camera and watch out for fighters maneuvering behind you. Fast reactions will be needed to shoot them down. Delta winged aircraft are slower and less agile than the straight winged enemy fighters. ATTACKING SHIPS

Climb to 2500 feet at about 300 knots. Attack with an air-ship missile, avoiding anti-aircraft fire and surface to air missiles.


Navigate to an allied airbase and approach it at under 3000 feet. When you see the runway on the horizon, slow to 200 knots and lower your undercarriage. Put the nose down slightly and, when you are over the runway, land and reduce thrust. Ensure that you stop with enough runway left to allow you to take off again. When your aircraft has stopped, the ground crew will re-fuel, re-arm and repair any damage to your aircraft allowing you to take off on another mission.


Using your on board computer, go to the speed and altitude of the tanker if one is available. Approach from behind the tanker with care watching your speed very carefully. When you are close enough, the tanker crew will deploy the refueling-pipe, with the basket on the end. When you hear the crew on the refuelling tanker giving approach orders, maneuver your aircraft until the tip of your refuel probe is in the centre of the basket and keep it there until you are fully refueled.


If your aircraft has suffered severe damage, to survive you will have to eject. Try to eject over allied air-space. Only a successful ejection over friendly territory will alow you to fly any remaining aircraft. If your aircraft crashes for any reason or is destroyed before you have the chance to eject or you eject over enemy territory the game ends, regardless of how many aircraft are left at home base.


All the weapons must be guided visually at least until the missile is locked onto the target. This is accomplished by having the target in the sights when you fire. In the two player mode, the sights can be moved to assist targeting and locking on of the missiles. To destroy a target with a missile the correct type must be used (AIR TO AIR, AIR TO GROUND, AIR TO SHIP) and it must be recognizable and larger than a dot on the horizon. Targets need several hits from cannon shells which are fired at 6000 rpm. Use the DECOY FLARES which are rearward firing to thwart incoming enemy missiles.

Only a select few will survive for long and to become an AIR ACE you must destroy the entire invasion force at the hardest skill level which simulates true combat conditions. They will be extremely rare but can prove they are an ACE by saving their score using the high score save feature.

game_instructions/ace.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/07 12:44 by David