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First things, first: Happy New Year everyone! I really wish you a very healthy and prosperous 2019, and hope that we all get lots of new things to enjoy on our Commodore computers (and modern day reproductions)!

One game that I've enjoyed playing the past year is a relatively new release, called Trance Sector Ultimate, released by TND back in 2015. Although I never seen or played this game before last year, it seemed familiar to me in some way; I just could not figure out why. All I knew is that I enjoyed playing it.

Then, just the other day, I was about to play it again, on my C64Mini, when it hit me like a lightning bolt: When I was in high-school, one of my favorite games at the arcade was a game very similar to Trance Sector, but the grid was a little different. But what was the name of that game?! I thought about it and thought some more…. there was something about a “Fox” in the title of the game. It wasn't Fire Fox, nor was it Desert Fox, or Sky Fox. And then, BAM!!, it hit me. It was called Solar Fox!

Immediately I searched the name on the Web and found this webpage highlighting this classic video game in all of its glory. Suddenly all of the memories came flooding back. I must of spent tens of dollars in quarters on this arcade machine, back in the day. I don't know what it was about the game that made it so enjoyable, but I liked it. Unfortunately, I had no idea that it was ever ported to C64. So, I guess, after the closure of the video arcade, I just forgot about the game.

Thankfully, the game did make it's way to the C64, and I was able to find a copy of it on Gamebase64. So, I downloaded a copy of it and have had a nice afternoon playing a few games of it, on both my C128 and C64Mini. It's been a very long time since I've played the game, but the C64 version of it certainly feels like a true port of the arcade version of the game. And no wonder why I liked Trance Sector Ultimate so much. Apart from the style of grid arena, the two games are very similar.

I had no idea that Commodore were the publishers for the C64 version of the game. But, since they are, Solar Fox is now my favorite game published by Commodore (up until today, that spot was taken by Wizard of Wor). And now Solar Fox can take it's spot among my top 10 favorite games on the C64, after all of these years.

If you haven't played Solar Fox, I suggest you give it a try. It is a classic fast paced arcade game that is easy to play, but difficult to master. Yet best of all, it always makes you want to give it “just one more go!”

I'm off to post a new high-score!

blog/2019-01-01.txt · Last modified: 2019/04/08 05:00 (external edit)