Table of Contents


Classification: Arcade / Horizontal shooter
Publisher: Commodore
Year: 1983
Disk / CJM: starranger.d64 - starranger.cjm
Controls: Joystick P2
Links: Game Review
Comet64 Friendly This game is compatible with the Comet64. more info...

How To Play

Fly along and blast away all of the baddies, trying not to let them shoot your or fly into you. The things that makes this horizontal shooter different from the thousands of other horizontal shooters out there are:

The game has six stages (or acts, if you will): “Nasties”, “Bombers”, “Cibolians”, “Asteroids”, “Invaders”, and “Moonbase”. After the completion of the six stages, you move up a level and start again. However, as the levels increase, so does the difficulty of each stage. The aliens on each stage have their unique abilities and forms of attack, which kind of forces you to change your tactics in each stage of the game.

Use the joystick to fly in all directions and press :joyfire: to fire you weapons. You can set the number of players (one or two) by pressing 1 or 2 on the title screen.

TheC64 Joystick Mapping

Joystick Button Game Control
UP - DOWN - LEFT - RIGHT Move ship
FIRE LEFT / RIGHT Fire weapons
A :return:
B 1
C 2
